Ptosis and dermatochalasis what you should know about them


Both conditions can prevent normal vision. Although they have a different origin, palpebral ptosis and dermatochalasis have one element in common: excessive eyelid tissue that makes vision difficult. In this article I want to share both concepts.

Whatever the reason, the drooping of the eyelids affects the vision of the patients, especially the visual field or superior visual amplitude, as if it had a curtain that slowly and progressively falls into one or both eyes.

Palpebral ptosis

When we talk about palpebral Ptosis, we refer to the fall of one or both eyelids, the product of multiple factors, whether mechanical, neurological or muscular, in which, due to disintegration of the muscle responsible for the eyelid lift, the decrease in East. This is the most common cause.

On the other hand, dermatochalasis corresponds to the excess of eyelid skin, either of the upper or lower eyelids, and translates into the characteristic aspect of fatigue of the person presenting this condition.


It is known to be a redundancy of the skin of the upper or lower eyelid producing palpebral bags and folds. It is a phenomenon that is frequently associated with age, and it is of mainly cosmetic concern. Although when these folds are excessive in the upper eyelid, it can obstruct the visual field causing a functional problem to the patient.

The eyelid is a fold of skin and mobile muscle that covers the eyes. Its function is to protect and hydrate it through tears. On the other hand, the blinking reflex protects the eyeball from foreign bodies.

The eyelids —in addition to fulfilling the protective function of the eyes— are important in the expression of emotions and the different moods of the human being. Therefore, when changes occur in them, we can see that the liveliness of the look and expression is lost. These and other changes give the appearance of tiredness, anger or aging and in severe cases they could even obstruct vision.

The eyelid has very thin skin and there are elastic joints between it and the orbicularis muscle that is immediately below. The same that allows us to open and close our eyes. The orbicular muscle in turn is attached further back with a thin fibrous layer called the septum and which is responsible for containing the fat that is in the orbit (which surrounds and protects the eye).

When, due to genetic factors or the passing of the years, the septum atrophies, the fat protrudes forward, lifting the skin and it is then that we can speak of "bags on the eyelids." These bags are accentuated in the morning or when the person is more tired.

Treatment for dermatochalasis

For both ptosis and dermatochalasis, the suggested treatment is surgery. In the procedure, the focus will clearly be on different points of the eyelid anatomy. In the case of eyelid ptosis, the position of the upper eyelid lift muscle in the focus to be treated is corrected.

In the case of a case of dermatochalasis, excess skin is removed, which is redundant, either in the upper or lower eyelid, always keeping in mind not to exceed the amount of skin.

Blepharoplasty —blephal, means eyelid in Greek— is surgery that allows correcting some inherited defects or secondary to the natural process of aging of the eyelid tissues.

Both men and women perform this procedure, not only for aesthetic reasons, but because they cause vision problems that may get worse over time.

The objective of blepharoplasty is to solve the functional difficulties derived from tissue redundancy and also achieve an aesthetic improvement, restoring a rejuvenated look, acting on the drooping upper eyelid or the lower eyelid bags that give a tired and aged appearance.

In mild cases it is possible to perform a CO2 Laser Resurfacing.


Dermatochalasis post treatment, By @draparpados.

The post treatment of dermatochalasis

Even before any treatment for dermatochalasis, whether surgical or not, I recommend preparing the skin with the appropriate creams for it. After the medical procedure it is very important to apply creams that clean, relax the muscles and help maintain and prolong the result over time.

In the previous image, the patient after being operated, has used the KIT BRIGHT GLANCE 1, 2, 3 obtaining wonderful results that make him look rejuvenated and radiant.
